Publisher/Editor: John Joseph Adams
FANTASY FLASH: July 1 - July 7
Pay: 8 cents per word
Word range: 1,500 TOPS
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
Lightspeed Magazine is the most well-known and critically acclaimed sister publication of Adamant Press; owned and operated by John Joesph Adams. From the website: “Lightspeed is a digital science fiction and fantasy magazine. In its pages, you will find science fiction: from near-future, sociological soft SF, to far-future, star-spanning hard SF—and fantasy: from epic fantasy, sword-and-sorcery, and contemporary urban tales, to magical realism, science-fantasy, and folktales.”
Submission Hints
Lightspeed is seeking original science fiction and fantasy stories. All types of science fiction and fantasy are welcome. No subject should be considered off-limits, and we encourage writers to take chances with their fiction and push the envelope. We do not accept simultaneous submissions or multiple submissions. You may submit one SF story and one Fantasy story at any given time; you must wait until seven days after our reply to submit another story in that genre.
This is the last open call from Lightspeed! (for now) I've no luck so far, and I've pitched them my best. One more try. I have some good dark wee fantasy stories I've scribble recently. Maybe....
Editor: David Steffen
Pay: 10 cents per word
Open July 17-31
Word range: max 3,500
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
Diabolical Plots is a SWFA-qualifying market that buys speculative fiction that leans towards startling, odd, and interesting. If you have a character-driven story with a strong inner and outer arc, this maybe a good place to submit.
Submission Hints
The editor, David Steffen, advises writers to be wary of being wordy. Tight concise prose that gives you everything you need to understand the story without overstaying its welcome, relatable characters, cool speculative ideas, all written very tightly. You don’t have many words, there is no space to waste.” The website says they are looking for: “Speculative fiction–science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Everything should have a speculative element–that includes horror. Feel free to mix in other genres at will–a fantasy mystery or a science fiction romance. And yes, we really mean it has to have a speculative element. If you submit a serial killer story with only mundane elements, even though that could be a horror story it’s not a speculative horror story and it will be rejected regardless of quality. • Things that we tend to really like: • Weird fiction • Sense of wonder • Strong character and plot arcs • Strong world-building, hinting at more to see around the edges of the story • Philosophical food-for-thought • Straightforward, easily readable style • Religion, where the story does not try to convert the reader, nor does the story demonize religion • Platonic friendship between men and women”
I've subbed a lot here. No luck. The editor says if you want to start up your own short fiction publication, he will help you out. He is the brain child behind the Submission Grinder.
Inkd Pub
Open for submissions: June 1-Aug 31
Editor: Robyn Huss
Pay:2 cents per word plus royalty share
Word range: 2000-8000 max
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
Theme: Hidden Villains: Betrayed– Bold, imaginative fantasy, horror, and sci-fi sculpted to thrill and entertain readers with the bizarre or delve into the shadows. Finish it off with a twist of betrayal!
Betrayed- double-cross, fail, deceive, cheat, sell-out, let down, stitch up, rat out, turn traitor, rat on, expose, reveal, lay bare, stab in the back.
There is no restriction as to how you incorporate the theme into your story as long as the genre falls within Sci-Fi, Horror, or Fantasy. We encourage you to weave the theme into an engaging story with well-developed characters and deep emotion.
Stories that contain infanticide, rape, or gratuitous gore will not be accepted.
Submission Hints
This is a new press and Hidden Villains is their first anthology. They have a good headliner. "New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jody Lynn Nye has allowed us to include a wonderful short story in the upcoming anthology. The Fiber of Being will be our lead story and we can’t wait for you to read it."
My Insights
I didn't make it into last year's anthology. I've tried again...
THEMES: Learning to be Human
& Shadows on Water
Opens June 1
Pay: 8c cents per word
Word range: 2000-4000
Simultaneous submissions? Yes 6c a world
Reprints? No
*** This is an EARLY NOTICE I received by signing up for their newsletter. For more early Flame Tree submissions, join up!
We are delighted to announce the open submissions call for our new anthology of the supernatural, Shadows on the Water. This captivating book brings together a tapestry of short stories, blending the treasures of open submissions with a curated selection of ancient myths and folk tales from Polynesia, Scotland, and the Ancient Greeks, as well as tales from the high seas. Within these pages, you will discover the mysteries of rivers, the secrets of lochs, and the whispers that traverse the vast stretches of the ocean. From the dawn of civilization to myth and folklore, and into the realm of dark fantasies and supernatural tales, the stories within explore the depths of human imagination. Uncover the hidden treasures beneath the sea, succumb to the siren call of mermaids, and encounter the liberating spirits that dwell within fountains and waterfalls. Alongside these evocative narratives, iconic stories of creation, ancestor worship, and the alluring shadows cast upon the waters of life await your exploration.
The Other Theme
We invite you to be a part of our exciting new anthology, Learning to Be Human. In a world where machine learning, AI, and large language models are shaping our future, we want to hear your unique perspectives. Share your captivating science fiction stories that delve into the fears and opportunities sparked by responsive chatbots and the challenges of the Machine Age. By exploring the complex relationship between humanity and artificial intelligence, we aim to create a thought-provoking collection that pushes the boundaries of imagination. We encourage you to contribute and examine the interplay between automation, humankind, and what it truly means to be human. Imagine the possibilities: the transition from childhood to adulthood, the ancient struggles against elemental forces, our current battle for climate control, and the looming presence of thinking machines.
I got the early heads up about this call from subscribing to the newsletter. (hint: subscribe) I've already sent them in five stories. Too bad I was eager and sent them early!! (like a week before the calls open) fingers crossed they still consider them. UPDATE they got back to me... my stories are in.
Open: July 1-31
Editors: Donald S. Crankshaw & Kristin Janz
Pay: 8 cents per word
Word range: 9000 max
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? Yes 4c a word
We are looking for speculative stories--science fiction, fantasy, horror--with Christian themes, characters, or cosmology, and for artwork for this site.
Submission Hints
The story must have a speculative element. It needs something beyond the everyday. We love science fiction and fantasy, enjoy good ghost stories, and think there's great fiction material hidden in the mysteries of Christian theology--cherubim, leviathan, nephilim, visions, prophecy, and more. The story must engage with Christianity. We want stories with Christian characters whose faith affects their actions, with Christian themes such as grace and redemption, or with a Christian view of the supernatural. Note that we're not saying that you must be a Christian. We are not in a position to judge your faith and won't try, and we welcome submissions from authors of all backgrounds and perspectives. Nor does your story need to be unambiguously pro-Christian. If you can tell a good story that meaningfully engages with Christianity, we want to read it.
Sample Rejection
I've had two rejections from this market. One was a nice personal.
Managing Editor: Tacoma Tomilson
Flash Fiction Prompt
OPEN JuLY 1 -14
Pay: 5 cents per word
Word range: under 1,000
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
Every month Apparition Lit holds a flash fiction contest and buys a story based on their prompt.
The overall theme for the year is REALITY SHOW MADNESS.
This month they are looking for stories in the vein of Eurovision/Singing and Talent Competitions
Submission Hints
Send us stories with enough emotional heft to break a heart, with prose that’s as clear and delicious as broth. We love proactive characters and settings that feel lived in and real enough to touch. Stories with style, stories with emotion, stories with character.
I keep trying every month. No luck. I do promote cheesy reality shows for a living. Let's see if my background will help me finally break into this market.
Last month, I used a ghost story and mixed it with house flipping.
Editor: Rebecca Treasure
Theme: tba
Open: June 7- June 30
Pay: 8 cents per word
Word range: up to 1000
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
Apex Magazine focuses on dark and spectacular science fiction, fantasy and horror. Publishing bi-monthly, it used to be called Apex Digest and has been nominated for several awards. It went on hiatus for a while, but is back in business and accepting submissions.
Submission Hints
Apex Magazine is an online zine of fantastical fiction. We publish short stories filled with marrow and passion, works that are twisted, strange, and beautiful. Creations where secret places and dreams are put on display. We publish in two forms: an every-other-month eBook issue and a gradual release of an entire issue online over a two-month period. Along with the genre short fiction, there are interviews with authors and nonfiction essays about current issues. Additionally, we produce a monthly podcast of narrated original short fiction.”
I took a flash fiction class with Rebecca and it was outstanding. Learn more about the flash fiction editor at APEX.
I also roped the man who owns this fantastic dark magazine company into answering a few questions. Ps. I just took his class on tone in short fiction and learned about a whole new layer of story telling.
Editor: Aleksandra Hill
July 15-Aug 15
Pay: 10 cents per word
Word range: under 5000
Simultaneous submissions? yes
Reprints? No
khōréō is a quarterly publication of stories, essays, and art: fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and any genre in between or around it, as long as there’s a speculative element. The speculative element should be integrated into the piece—a random mention of a ghost on page 12 of 16 isn’t going to be the right fit.
Submission Hints
khōréō is dedicated to diversity and amplifying the voices of immigrant and diaspora authors and artists. We welcome, but do not require, a brief description of the author’s/artist’s identity in their cover letter. We invite you to submit if you identify as an immigrant or member of a diaspora in the broadest definitions of the terms. This includes, but is not limited to, first- and second-generation immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants, persons who identify with one or more diaspora communities, persons who have been displaced or whose heritage has been erased due to colonialism/imperialism, transnational/transracial adoptees, and anyone whose heritage and history includes ‘here and elsewhere’.
They are holding a story of mine! I've always had a good experience communicating with this venue.
Open July 1-July 14
Editors: Justine Norton-Kertson & Brianna Castagnozzi
Pay: 8 cents per word
range: 1500-7500
Simultaneous submissions? yes
Reprints? No
“Solarpunk at Work” exploring what labor, economics, and our relationship to work looks like in solarpunk futures.
Solarpunk Magazine publishes hopeful short stories and poetry that strive for a utopian ideal, that are set in futures where communities are optimistically struggling to solve or adapt to climate change, to create or maintain a world in which humanity, technology, and nature coexist in harmony rather than in conflict. We also publish solarpunk art as well as nonfiction that explores real world, contemporary topics and their intersection with the solarpunk movement for a better future.
Submission Hints
Our fiction editors are interested in works that stir readers with themes of defiance, change, and achievement. This effect isn’t likely to come via high concept utopias alone, but rather, from vibrant characters whose struggles affect the reader. Speculative elements should be apparent but not dominating; our disbelief suspended not by necessity, but immersion. Any genre of science fiction, interstitial fiction, magic realism, or fantasy has potential as a solarpunk forum—we welcome robots and elves with equal excitement.
Justine gave me this tidbit in my interview: I’d also like to see more stories that are set further out in the future and explore pitfalls and problems within communities that have already, by and large, successfully adapted to or solved climate change and are well on their way toward the utopian ideal.
Justine Norton-Kertson is the co-editor-in-chief of this magazine and they took the time to give me to the inside scoop on how horror can work with solarpunk.
If you are looking for your next beach read...
My list of the best thrillers on the market. With a bit of my own observations. No spoilers! I promise…
Editor: Kristi Peterson Schoonover
Open for submissions: July 1-15
Pay $50
Word range: 1,000-7500
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? no
Kristi Peterson Schoonover has been one of my most amazing finds in my exploration of speculative fiction. She has given me exceptional advice and has taken the time to communicate personally. Schoonover says: “There are two types of writing that I really love. Literary stories with prose that takes your breath away and transports you into another world. Then I also love to be scared, made uncomfortable and sometimes even shocked. 34 Orchard is a new literary on-line journal that combines both.”
Submission Hints
The website defines what they publish: “At 34 Orchard, we like dark, intense pieces that speak to a deeper truth. We’re not genre-specific; we just like scary, disturbing, unsettling, and sad. We like things we can’t put down and things that make us go “wow” when we’ve finished. But our main goal here at 34 Orchard is to publish the stuff we like to read, and you’re not in our heads. So, don’t over think it. Just submit. We are an international journal and welcome submissions from everyone, all over the world.”
My Insights
I finally sold Kristi a story. In my writing journey, a few editors have taken the time to help me hone my skills and gone above and beyond. Kristi is one of those special editors. Not only does she publish her strange magazine twice a year, but her own writing career is taking off. She is working on a horror movie!
Monthly Flash Fiction
Open for submissions: June 29- July 27
Editor: James Aquilone
Pay: 6 cents per word
Word range: 1000 -2000 max
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
Horror Flash Fiction for the first issue, to be published later this year. There’s no theme, but we do like monsters, pulp, and classic horror films. Focus should be on fast-paced entertaining stories. We’ll take a limited amount of fantasy, but make it dark and action packed. No science fiction or detective fiction..
Something interesting about them: "In March 2021 we launched the Kickstarter campaign for the Classic Monsters Unleashed anthology. We ended up raising more than $57,000 and gathered nearly 1000 backers, which made it the highest-funded and most-backed horror anthology in the platform’s history."
Submission Hints
Monstrous Books is an independent publisher specializing in horror, science fiction, and fantasy. James Aquilone, the editor of Classic Monsters Unleashed and Kolchak: The Night Stalker’s 50th anniversary graphic novel, founded Monstrous Books in 2022.
Email full stories to james[at] and use this format for the subject heading: Monstrous Flash - Title - Author Name. (If this isn’t correct, we may delete without reading. With the number of submissions we get, things get confusing without the proper heading.) Include a short bio in your email.
My Insights
I've gotten loads of R's from James. But I'm not ready to quit yet.
He is also looking for pitches for his new Dead Detectives Society.
We’re looking for new, unique supernatural detectives or investigators. Your pitch should be about your character, and possibly the first story but not necessarily. We’re looking for characters that you will hopefully continue to write. The character doesn’t need to be dead or undead, but they should be supernatural in some way. Pitches don’t need to be long. A paragraph is fine.
We have enough zombie detectives, so yours should be very different.
If you have a character that you’ve published before, we’ll take a pitch, as well.
Open for submissions: till Aug 1st
Editor: M.M Carrigan
Pay: $100
Word range: 500-1500
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
Taco Bell Quarterly is a literary magazine that explores the intersection of Art and Taco Bell. Our only guideline is that it must contain a Taco Bell reference. We publish art that explores, provokes, and tests the conventions of creative writing as it relates to Taco Bell. Whether or not you believe any of this is up to you, the creative writer.
We are looking for short stories, non-fiction, prose, essays, poetry, art, comics, flash, films, undefinable auras, experiments, and completely ordinary shit that will peak in the seventh issue of a literary magazine in a corner of the internet. You are, were, and always will be a Literary Writer.
We are looking for innovative ways to lower the bar. We are looking for ways to degrade ourselves with flair. We are looking for universes that could be extremely traumatizing if the writers weren’t cowards. We are looking for ways to address the nightmares more directly.
We are drawn to writing that is urgent. We are drawn to screams and fever dreams. We want to publish: the stuff that no one else gets, the stuff that speaks to the moment, the stuff that speaks to nothing at all, the stuff that is grilled and nacho stuft. Have fun. Make stuff. Fuck your Koch Perception Boxes. Send us your panorama shoeboxes. Run for the border so that we can dismantle the borders altogether.
We want to hear from everyone, especially queer writers, trans writers, writers of color, neurodiverse writers, disabled writers, non-literary writers, genre writers, not-even-writers and total outsiders. Simultaneously subbed? Previously pubbed? We have no rules. Shoehorn a bean burrito in it and send it. Taco Bell Quarterly loves you.
Submission Hints
It still sounds like you’re joking, but okay. What are the guidelines?
Something that introduces us to inventive form, dynamic language, and strong voice. Or perhaps it does none of the above. We’re not judgey and pretentious. We’re the Taco Bell fucking Quarterly. We lean towards pieces that are queer and center their pain/joy in a Taco Bell.
My Insights
I sent in one story and got a rejection. It took MONTHS to hear back. I've just sent in another one, where I did indeed shoe horn in a Cheesy Gordita.
Editor: Brandon Applegate
Open for submissions: July 1-15
Pay:5c a word
Word range: 1500-3000
Simultaneous submissions? NO
Reprints? yes
ANON submissions.
Take a trope that’s well-worn, overused, predictable, tough to swallow, and scare the hell out of us with it. Turn it on its head, or make it bizarre enough to still surprise. Really take some time to understand why your chosen trope often fails and how you can make it into a successful (read: scary, surprising, weird, shocking, heartwrenching, maybe even funny) horror story.
Submission Hints
There are plenty of tropes we’d like to see rot in their graves, but they keep coming back from the dead. In this book, horror's most devious minds subvert, reclaim, and double down on what you know too well, giving even the most done-to-death tropes new life. From alien abductions and werewolves to creepy dolls and Lover’s Lane killers, these tropes claw their way back from the grave to take their rightful place in your nightmares.
My Insights
No luck. I've sent him a few stories.
Open until some indeterminate date in the summer
Editor: Katrina Archer
Pay: 11c a word cdn (8c US)
Word range: 2000 original 5000 reprints
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? yes, 1c a word
We publish speculative fiction that examines humanity's possible futures living with anthropogenic climate change. We prefer fiction with a hopeful outlook, but the occasional dystopia might fit too. While science is an important piece for solving the climate change puzzle, we challenge writers to also examine our existing social, cultural, political, and economic frameworks and envision new ones to help see us through to a better, more sustainable world.
Submission Hints
What will be a harder sell:
Yet another apocalyptic desert dystopia.
Alien/god-like being intervenes and saves the world. We made this bed. We have to fix it.
Stories in which we abandon the planet.
Stories without a narrative through line, dramatic tension, or some kind of character arc. We want stories, not vignettes.
Gratuitous gory violence or themes of suicide.
Stories that overtly lecture or preach to the reader.
What we want more of:
Optimistic fiction
Visions of change for the better
Stories in which technology improves lives, not oppresses
Stories that show communities pulling together
Diverse, own-voices stories
My Insights
So far I am not hitting the mark with this market. But my friend Catherine Weaver did! Read her story "Flavours of a Memory" here..
OPEN July 1-31
THEME: After Tomorrow
Editor: Aric Sundquist
Open for submissions: ongoing
Word range:2000-7,500
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
Theme: Looking for post-apocalyptic suspense/horror stories about how mankind has come to survive after our near annihilation. Humorous stories are welcome.
Type. Post-apocalyptic, thriller/suspense, survival horror, creature feature, supernatural/paranormal.
Submission Hints
Influential Movies/TV: A Quiet Place, Monsters, 28 Days/Weeks Later, Fury Road, It Comes at Night, Stake Land, Pandorum, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Snowpiercer, Zombieland, The Road, Sweet Home (TV), The Rain (TV), The Last of Us (TV).
Influential writings/series: Silo Trilogy by Hugh Howey, Wayward Pines Trilogy by Blake Crouch, Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel, Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon, I Am Legend by Richard Matheson, The Girl With All the Gifts by Mike Carey, Bird Box by Josh Malerman.
My Insights
I’ve submitted 3 stories and got rejections in good time with each try in the past. I've been jumped the gun and sent a story in too early. Thank goodness the editor was kind enough to send me an email telling me to try again when the sub window is open. Maybe I'm in a quantum time warp?
OPEN July 1 -July 7
Editor: Charles Tyra
3c a word
Word range: 1000-6000
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
Cosmic Horror Monthly is seeking Cosmic Horror, Lovecraftian, Weird stories, original only. If you aren’t sure if your work qualifies, submit it and we can decide. No subject is off-limits and we do encourage writers to try and push the status quo.,
At this time, we are strongly favoring stories with a contemporary narrative style. Lovecraftian themes and mythos works are welcomed but try to avoid Lovecraft pastiche and styles mimicking that of his writer circle from the early 20th century. In terms of style, we are fans of Laird Barron, John Langan, Mike Allen, Hailey Piper, etc.
Submission Hints
Most types of horror are welcome but we do prefer the work have a science fiction or otherwise cosmic philosophical leaning. If you aren’t sure if your work qualifies, submit it and we can decide.
My Insight
I have sent them in one story for their Micro-madness call and received a rejection.
Campbellian hard SF
Editors: Ádám Gerencsér and Mariano Martín Rodríguez.
Open for submissions: July ?
Pay: 3 Euros cents per word
Word range: max 2000
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? Yes 1 Euro per word for translations
Sci Phi Journal is a cosy waystation for travellers who, through no fault of their own, find themselves at the cosmic intersection between speculative philosophy, cultural anthropology and hard SF.
The most recent incarnation of SPJ, as our gathering place is known for short, was launched in Australia back in 2014 by Jason Rennie, of erstwhile Sci Phi Show podcasting fame (or infamy), and helmed by Ray Blank through the stormy year of 2017. It spent 2018 in hibernation and was re-launched as a European project in 2019 under co-editors Ádám Gerencsér and Mariano Martín Rodríguez.
As its primary mission, SPJ wishes to provide a platform for idea-driven fiction, as opposed to the ‘character-driven’ mode that has come to predominate speculative fiction. We hope that, in the fullness of time, SPJ may also act as a catalyst for discussion among mind-mates scattered around the globe, united in our attraction towards the philosophical edge of the SF spectrum.
Submission Hints
We are a venue for speculative fiction, even if in its broadest sense. A handy rule of thumb: if your story would work without the speculative element, then it’s not spec fic. (I.e. a dating romance on a spaceship is not SF, but romantic literature “IN SPACE”.)
We prefer purple prose to contemporary grit. Think 19th century belletristique, not comic books. We frown at profanities.
No character-driven stories. We are mainly after conceptually robust, idea-driven works of intense world-building and deep philosophical implications. That said, emotion and personal concerns may have a place in these stories, if they are justified.
We believe in absolute freedom of thought and a largely unrestricted freedom of expression. That said, we are unlikely to accept stories that promote clichéd stereotypes, i.e. X group of people are all Y or Z. (E.g. ‘Jewish conspiracy’, ‘white privilege’, ‘savage natives’, etc.)
Naturally occurring diversity is beautiful. Ostentatious virtue signalling, on the other hand, usually makes for bad literature. Please leave contemporary politics and ideologies out of it. Think timeless, not timely.
All branches of philosophy and futurology are good. Cosmology and theology are great. We also welcome hard SF, high fantasy and alt history. We don’t mind plagues and zombies. We’re bored of ghosts, vampires and werewolves, though.
Avoid tired tropes too often encountered in spec fic. Evil corporations. Greedy humans. Futures that look like the present on steroids. Aliens that think like millennials. You get it.
My Insights
They send a hilarious rejection letter. It's too long to share here... Submit and get one yourself!
Editor: Sean Clancy
Pay: 2 cents per word
range: 2000-6000
Simultaneous submissions?Yes
Reprints? No
** The website says open Summer 2023. Summer is in swing... not sure if I've seen the date for opening yet. But I am stalking...
How do you beat the name Planet Scumm? Plus, they have a retro 80’s look to their website. This science fiction magazine is published by Spark & Fizz Books.
Submission Hints
“On Planet Scumm, we want to read stories that are different and unexpected. Stories that introduce new ideas, or that look at old ideas with a fresh perspective. They are looking for: Hard sci-fi, soft sci-fi, sci-fi that melts in your mouth-brain not your hand-brain. Speculative fiction, weird fiction, slipstream Basically anything that pleases Scummy, our megaphone-toting slime buddy, will be considered for entry to the interstellar archive aboard Scummy’s saucer.”
My Experience with Them
They actually were holding my story "A Deadful Friday the 13th" for consideration when I withdrew it after having it accepted by Creepy Pod. Very enjoyable to correspond with them. I've no luck since, but keep lobbing them stories.

Amanda Cecelia Lang is selling her dark scribblings... learn how she is doing it!
Plus a cautionary tale guaranteed to freeze your spine.
Editors: Shingai Njeri Kagnunda & Eleanor R. Wood
OPEN July 1 -31
Pay: 8 cents per word
Word range: up to 6,000
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints: Yes
PodCastle is looking for quality fantasy fiction. If you’re a writer with a speculative short story that you’d like to hear narrated by one of our performers, we’d like to see it.
Submission Hints
PodCastle is looking for fantasy stories. We’re open to all the sub-genres of fantasy, from magical realism to urban fantasy to slipstream to high fantasy, and everything in between. Fantastical or non-real content should be meaningful to the story
My Insights
I haven't managed to break into the Escape Artist's roster of pro podcasts yet.
divergent realms

Divergent Realms
Editor: Riley Odell
Open for submissions:June 1- August 31
Pay:6c a word
Word range: 2000-5000
Simultaneous submissions? NO
Reprints? NO
"Are you neurodivergent? If so, this is a call for you.
Divergent Realms is a speculative fiction anthology about neurodivergent characters, written by neurodivergent writers.
Fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and subgenres thereof will all be considered, but keep it PG-13. Violence and swearing and the like should be kept to a minimum and should only be included if you feel like they’re necessary to the story.
Submission Hints
To submit, you must be neurodivergent, and your story must feature neurodivergence in a significant way. If you’re confused about the term “neurodivergent” or whether it applies to you, it is a word used to describe people whose brains operate differently from what is considered “typical.”
Types of neurodivergence include autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, dyslexia, down syndrome, PTSD, anxiety disorders, traumatic brain injuries, and MANY MORE. I can’t possibly list everything that might qualify—if you think you fit, let me know why in your cover letter. ALL forms of neurodivergence will be accepted.
I am not accepting reprints, simultaneous submissions, or multiple submissions.
Please send stories as a .doc or .docx attachment to Stories should be in standard manuscript format as shown in this link:
In the body of your email, include a cover letter with a brief bio and description of how neurodivergence applies to you. You do not need to send proof of a diagnosis. Self-diagnosis is perfectly acceptable. PLEASE NOTE that any submissions lacking a cover letter will be ignored.
Finally, I hate that I should even have to say this, but “brains operating differently from what is considered “typical”” does NOT include artificial intelligence. Human writing only. I have no qualms with the use of ChatGPT as a brainstorming or editing tool, but if you’re thinking you can win an easy acceptance by simply entering a prompt and sending me the output, then I hate to break it to you, but that isn’t how it works in this field. Please do not waste your time or mine."
My Insights
Riley Odell contacted me through my email. "I love the monthly list of open calls you feature on your website." I am always happy to help spread the work about open calls as long as they are no fee and have some sort of pay.
Contact me at
I don't think this call has a website, so I've included all submission info here.
Submissions Open: July 1st
Theme: This One is For the Weirdos
Editor in chief: Eda Obey
Pay: $20
word range: 2500 or less
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
The theme is This One's for the Weirdos. Most of us know what it is like to not fit in, to not know how to fit in or to even want to. This one is for the freaks, the geeks, the neurospicy, and the monsters who can't quite make themselves fit the mold. The villagers are out there with the pitchforks and torches. What are you going to do hotshot? Or are you the one that fits in and undermines from the inside? Take it where you want.
Submission Hints
I want stories from the female gaze (think Aliens, Resident Evil, Hereditary, Tank Girl). I’m tired of reading what men want to do to us. I want to read what we want to do to them. Bring me smart female protagonists whose first inclinations are not to seduce the guard to get out of situations; they’ve got skills, they can get violent easily. I’m fine with them developing over the course of the story into someone like that, but please don’t revert to clichés unless you have your tongue firmly in your cheek. Please don’t use graphic rape for fridging purposes. If it’s part of a character’s backstory or development, fine, but don’t shoot the damn dog just to piss off your main character.
My focus is horror, supernatural, and creeping dread. I’m not averse to extreme/slasher horror. I always love a bit of sci-fi or dystopia, but it’s not our focus, so if it’s your venue, make it scary. If you spackle a layer of women’s issues into it, even better; disenfranchisement, slut-shaming, trans violence, racism, misogyny, sex work exploitation, inequitable emotional work and housework, whatever exists in this world that pisses you off, feel free to put a metaphorical ax between its eyebrows.
My Insights
Eda Obey is one of my favorite people. She is outrageous, compelling, fierce and brilliant. She published my story "Lucy and the Cosmic Comet Ride" and I also featured one of her stories on my podcast, along with two fairly outrageous interviews.
The Dance
Open for submissions: till Aug 1st
Editor: Ira Nayman
Pay: Royalties
Word range: max 10,000 sweet spot 6000-7000
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
Dark Dragon Publishing is a small, independent Canadian publisher of the fantastic. We specialize in Science Fiction, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Occult, Paranormal and Historical Roman and Horror that sparks the imagination and can transport readers into realms only found in drean Though we are primarily a publisher of fiction for adults we will consider well written Young Adu fiction as well. We love stories that transport us on the back of the dragon to new worlds of wonder.
Submission Hints
How did you come to the point in life where you now find yourself? Two factors were likely in play: choice and chance.
The choices you make are clearly a factor in shaping your life. For example: a woman in one universe elopes with her high school sweetheart, but they are too young to make the marriage work and divorce at any early age; in a second universe, she marries him after they graduate from university and happily becomes a stay-at-home mom; in a third universe, she doesn’t marry him and pursues a successful career. Making different choices about the same life goal can lead to very different lives..
It’s also true, though, that chance, forces that are out of our control, shapes the choices that are available to us. This may be because of the choices of others which directly affect us, or it may because of the society into which we are born. For instance: a black man sleeps in his car in the drive-thru lane of a fast food restaurant. In one universe, two white cops are sent to deal with him; forty-five minutes later, one of them has shot him dead. In a second universe, one of the white cops and a psychiatrist are sent to deal with him; after a tense confrontation, he is arrested and his car impounded. In a third universe, the psychiatrist and a social worker droid are sent to deal with him; he is sent home to sleep it off and told he can pick up his impounded car the next day. The different outcomes are a product of chance, the different structures of the societies in which the main character finds himself.
The Dance is an anthology of speculative fiction short stories that explores the way different circumstances or choices change the course of our lives. How does it do this? By showing readers the consequences of different circumstances or choices in different realities in the wider context of the multiverse..
Each story submitted to The Dance must contain three parts set in three different universes. The universes should be distinct (PRO TIP: if the only difference between them is that Charlie Brown was named Charlie White or Charlie Blue, that’s not distinct enough), although they will likely contain many commonalities. Each story should explore how choice or chance affects the lives of characters and/or the world in which they live. (Bonus points if you can incorporate both chance and choice into your story.) Each story must have a speculative element, whether science fiction, fantasy, horror or some other fantastical genre.
My Insights
Ira Nayman was the editor of Amazing Magazine. Even though I swore off royalties as payment after getting nothing from a few calls, his name inspired me to submit. I got a rejection letter back quickly.
If you want to learn more about AMAZING, I interviewed the new editor, Lloyd Penney. (And congrats to fellow Wulf Packer David Hankins for making a sale to the original sci-fi magazine!)
Open for submissions: till Aug 31
Editor: Jonathan Lambert
Pay: 1/2 a cent per word
Word range: 2500- 5,500
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
The Old West. Lawless. Filthy. Challenges were numerous. Justice was haphazard. One could die from a gunshot, a snakebite, a disease, or any number of reasons. It was not a place for the weak of heart. And that was just the wild west all by itself. For “Graveyard Boots,” we seek stories that add creatures, gunslingers, ghouls, ill omens, bad luck, evil minds, monsters and more to the already desolate landscape and ghost towns. Yet there was still humor back in those days of yore, and with “Graveyard Boots,” stories with humor will give you a leg up.
Submission Hints
Here are a couple of tips to put your story in better position to be accepted. 1. Fit the theme. Old West. Horror. Of course, Jolly Horror Press loves humor. 2. Be within our word count guidelines (for “Graveyard Boots”, 2500 to 5500) or query us for shorter/longer. 3. No matter how good your story is, if it hasn't been edited, there is a big chance we won't accept it. In the past, we've accepted stories that needed a lot of editing work, but it took so much effort to make them presentable. We aren't doing that anymore. If within a page or two of reading the story we find a bunch of editing issues, it's going to be rejected. 4. Be unique. No matter what the theme of the anthology is, you should always be unique. If it's a stalker anthology for example, and your ex or some guy you work with is your stalker, it's trite. If your grandma is stalking your fiancée, well, that's unique. 5. At Jolly Horror Press, we prefer subtle horror. We generally don't like gruesome and overly bloody stuff. If someone is getting hacked to bits in your story, it's probably not for us.
My Insights
I've had two stories published by Jolly Horror Press, and IMO they are my favorite publishers in the horror genre. Jonathan Lambert rejected the first three stories I sent him, but he encouraged me to keep trying and gave me a few hints on how to make my stories work for his anthologies. He bought "Inked" for Accursed. Autumn Miller recently came onboard as a First Reader for Jolly Horror and she is fantastic to work with. Instead of rejecting my last story outright, she told me it was "almost" there and encourage me to rewrite the ending, which then led to another acceptance. You can hear "The Golden Falcon"performed by one of the best voiced in the business along with an EXCLUSIVE interview with Jonathan with some amazing hints to help you sell Jolly Horror your story.
Open for submissions: July
Pay: 2 cents per word
Word range: 2000-6000
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? yes
Let your imagination bloom with mind-opening tales-- They are changing their program:
We received many terrific stories, and we would love to publish so many of them, but our limited resources for now only allow us to publish one new story each month.
So, after much discussion and consideration, we have developed a new strategy for our Dragon Gems short fiction program as we plan ahead for 2023:
For stories consisting of more than 5,000 words, we will evaluate those for publication as standalone stories as we had originally planned for this program.
For stories of less than 5,000 words, we will evaluate those for inclusion in a quarterly Dragon Gems anthology.
We believe that this will be an exciting new direction for the Dragon Gems program that will allow us to publish more of the wonderful stories that we receive, and give authors additional opportunities to see their stories published and distributed.
Submission Hints
should not contain erotica, or excessive violence or gore. can be part of an ongoing series you might be writing. can have been previously published (with proof that you hold the current publishing rights). may be submitted simultaneously to other markets (but please let us know when you submit your story).
My Insights
I don't know much about them
West Mesa Press Anthology
Editor: Robert Allen Lupton
open June 1-July 31sth
Pay: $10
Word range: 4000-5000
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
We’re looking for stories that fit the anthology title. Submissions must feature a witch, wizard, warlock, two of those, or even all three. Horror, humor, fantasy, science fiction, or even some entertaining, but bizarre mashup of genres that we haven’t considered. Your characters may be young or old and the time frame may be from the dawn of mankind to the far future.
Submission Hints
THINGS TO AVOID: Don’t hurt or abuse any pets. Profanity is fine, even by children. Kids curse, just not in front of adults, at least, not the clever ones and aren’t witches, wizards and warlocks supposed to be clever. Check your politics and religion at the door. No extreme erotica or violence.
My Insights
Robert Allen Lupton contacted me directly through my Author page on Facebook...
I'm thrilled to help. If anyone else wants me to post their calls... you can either email me at or through my Facebook messenger.

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