HINT - Click on picture to be taken to submission guidelines
Kangas Kahn Publishing
Editor: Kenneth W. Cain
Deadline - April 1
Pay: 8c a word
Word range: 1000-4000 max
Simultaneous submissions? yes
Reprints? No
Kangas Kahn Publishing is seeking unpublished horror short stories for an upcoming anthology titled Fear of Clowns: A Horror Anthology to be published in September of 2024.
As usual, we're less concerned with theme than we are with entertaining stories. We're not necessarily looking for a clown-murdering-people story--if that's your story, it better bring something new to the table. Ask yourself, does this story belong in a book called Fear of Clowns? If the answer is yes, send it!
Submission Hints
PLEASE DO NOT SEND US A STORY THAT DOES NOT FEATURE A CLOWN IN SOME WAY--we will not even send a rejection notice on those.
You never know what a rejection might lead to. This market rejected my submission to their first issue and then said it would have been a great fit for the next anthology -- but noticed it was sold. (To Hungry Shadows Press. You can read about it here!). UPDATE - They are holding my story about Doomdel the Creepy Ass Clown
Submissions Manager: Cas Le Nevez
OPEN Mar 1- 31
Pay: $20 per thousand words
Word range: 2,000-8,000max
Simultaneous submissions? yes
Reprints? No
Aurealis is looking for science fiction, fantasy or horror short stories.
All types of science fiction, fantasy and horror that are of a “speculative” nature will be considered, but we do not want stories that are derivative in nature. We do not publish horror without a supernatural element.
All types of science fiction, fantasy and horror that are of a “speculative” nature will be considered, but we do not want stories that are derivative in nature. We do not publish horror without a supernatural element.
Submission Hints
Stories containing an unacceptable number of spelling mistakes and typos, and those that do not conform to our guidelines in other ways, will be rejected automatically. This may seem harsh, but we are being honest about it. Please take the time to polish your work in every way before you send it to us.
I've sent them two stories. One wasn't considered because it was too short. (under 2000 words slightly.) The second was rejected, but they gave me all sorts of wonderful advice in the letter.
Here is a bit "- The story of Dolores and her life changing encounter with Barnie is fun and light-hearted. The ideas are fresh and original and the character of Dolores is rendered well on the page. The story also has pleasing elements of the horror genre. However, in its current form the story structurally feels unbalanced. There is a strong beginning and middle but the ending feels underdeveloped and therefore fails to satisfy the reader. For example, for the current ending to land we would want to see pre-seeded the idea that Dolores needed a break - some synergy between the beginning and the ending gives resonance and this piece would benefit from further development to land the ending, which feels slightly rushed and anti-climactic. Recommend you workshop the piece with other writers.
I used their advice and sold this story to Stiched Smile Publications and is upcoming in their anthology "Vixens".
Editor: Carol Hightshoe
Open till March 1- July 31
Pay: $20
Word range: 2500-7500
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? Query
Stories can be in any genre as long as the sport of Rodeo is a key part of the story.
Stories must revolve around the sport, the riders or the animal athletes involved in Rodeo and while being realistic to the sport must also portray it in a favorable light. We do hope to receive stories that cover all of the events in Rodeo: Bareback Riding, Saddle Bronc Riding, Bull Riding, Tie-Down Roping, Steer Wresting, Team Roping, Steer Roping, Barrel Racing and Ladies Breakaway Roping. Stories can also feature Bull Fighters, Barrel Men, Pick Up Men, the medical teams (human and veterinarian) – or anyone involved in the sport.
Submission Hints
Break the story-writing rules if you want. If you use a tried-and-true plotline, twist it in an original and interesting way. Original stories are preferred.
No fan fiction, no erotica
My Insights
Double check your guidelines. I sent a story to the Lorelai Signal (same editor) and it was rejected because I didn't have the spacing right. PAY ATTENTION TO GUIDELINES. Carol Hightshoe is a hard-working individual-- I see her name everywhere. (Ps she is also a Superstars Alumni!!!!)
PS I am very excited about this call as I spend most my summer weekends at rodeos watching my daughter ride.
You need this in paperback. My favorite resource. NEWLY UPDATED FOR 2024!
New markets. Hints for success. This book can help you find a home for your story in the easiest, most organized way.
Editor: Joel Hans
OPEN Mar 20- April 20
Pay: $50
Word range: 3,000 max
Simultaneous submissions? yes
Reprints? No
At Astrolabe, we’re looking for work about how we seek out, discover, and grasp onto connection.
Into the woods. Across a line. Beneath the ocean. Along a seam. Into the branches of an alternate present or the crevasse of an alternate future. Across the rifts between one another.
And then, once we find one other, the myths we make.
We’re excited to see as many interpretations of this broad theme as there are stars in the night sky.
We’re open to work of all genres, with a particular fondness for anything that moves beyond realism in form or content or spirit.
Submission Hints
The Mission Statement
We’re envisioning a Universe that’s expansive and dynamic, inclusive and lush, a perpetual explosion that defies temporal systems of organization or measurement. Instead of publishing sequential issues or a stream of work that relegates what came before to the background, we’re interested in connecting and recombining the work we publish and the artists who make it on an ongoing basis. Letting the shape of their creations, however seeming-distant in genre or style or intent, tell larger stories together.
We welcome you to stumble your way through the Universe in search of unexpected connection. And we hope that when you find something you love, you feel drawn to explore the asterism it belongs to, the other stars in its vicinity, the potential meanings of colors and shapes. We hope you’ll look into the voids in this ever-changing Universe and dream up what might, someday, call that place a home..
No idea about this market. Let's stumble together.
The Slab Press
Editor: Donna Scott
OPEN March 1 - April 7
£10 per 500 words, up to £55.
Word range: 2000- 9000max
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
Science fiction is often a very serious genre, but it shares something with comedy in that it can reflect the world back to us, inspire us, evoke our curiosity, and help us to appreciate human creativity and wit. Many of us find our route to a love of science fiction via comedy, too, be it through the books or radio plays of Douglas Adams, watching Red Dwarf or Doctor Who(or reading the books), or getting into the MCU.
As an editor, I’ve been championing science fiction for many years. As a stand-up comedian, much the same! So naturally I wanted to bring out an anthology of humorous science fiction.
Submission Hints
I’m looking for great stories first and foremost, with relatable characters. They do not need to be riddled with dad jokes or puns. They do not need to be set in space! They do need to fit the broad remit of science fiction, but any kind of science fiction or humour is welcome, be it silly, generic parody*, grotesque, or black humour.
No punching down in your humour though, please. * Generic parody is fine, but please, no utilising other people’s content for the sake of parody, regardless of whether that content has entered public domain due to age
New Market
Rock Creek Books
Deadline: March 31
Pay: 8c a word
Word range: 1000-4000 max
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
This shared world novel series means to tell the dark retro fantasy hidden in the many layers of the Dark Reflections collection by Jeff Lee Johnson.
We seek stories in a dark retro fantasy style that builds upon the images below. Select a character from Blue Plate Special or any adjacent character who fits the time, feel, and place. A paranormal investigator, a cat that knows too much, a misunderstood tentacle monster, an Italian inventor with a love of knives, or the person through whose eyes we are looking. She is the youngest of three sisters and the day she arrived at the diner is where our story begins.
Submission Hints
They ask for 3rd person, present tense.
Blue Plate Special, Book One – Publication anticipated in late 2024.
It’s 1920. The customers and staff in a quiet, small-town diner near an East Coast city all feel a tug. Something has gone wrong, and the few who seem to notice must piece together what lives they can in a world stirred and reassembled with mistranslated instructions.
Take a meander from places labeled normal to a world that clatters, slinks, and drips. The first book of this shared world series is planned for late 2024. 5-6 authors will each carry a single third-person point of view protagonist with their own agendas and storylines. Overlaps, conflicts, and shared/competing agendas will complicate the characters’ lives as they work to unravel the mystery of the reflections and survive its many dangers.
Future novel locations include Paris, an Italian beach, an American suburb, and a quiet Austrian hamlet. You can view more of Jeff's work and the future Dark Reflections here.
I don't usually post about shared world anthologies, but this one intrigued me.
Unnamed Cold Anthology
Deadline: March 31
Pay: 4c a word
Word range: 2500-10,000 max
Simultaneous submissions? yes
Reprints? No
Death’s Head Press is putting together an anthology of cold/winter horror short stories.
Winter is a setting that lends itself to various horror tales, from survival tales to hauntings to slashers with buckets of blood in the snow. Humans long ago mastered survival in the cold, but what happens when one of the necessities (heat, shelter, food) is taken away? What if that lovely cabin in the woods comes with a helping of the supernatural or otherworldly? The stories can and should cover the wide spectrum of coldness. We aim to explore the what if of the cold.
Submission Hints
They publish work that is inherently dark.
Yet another new market!
13 creepy shorts in each...
Snake Bite Books
Editor: Annie Knox
Deadline April 1
Pay: 20Euros - and 3 copies
Word range: 3,000-8,000 max
Simultaneous submissions? yes
Reprints? No
Creature Features #1 will launch an anthology series exploring everybody’s favourite horror monsters. We’re starting off with a classic; the full-moon afflicted lycanthropes.
We’re looking for a variety of stories so feel free to go in any direction your brain might wander – tales set in the medieval ages, tales set in a dystopian nuclear fall-out, tales set in a robot-dominated 2050 where werewolves live underground in the sewers and hunt survivors of the robot revolution, literally any sub-genre and time goes.
Submission Hints
The horror I want to promote is horror that faces real fears; that expresses something from the human soul. I want new and interesting concepts, I want traditional tales reimagined, I want hilarious comedy horror with a heart of real emotion behind it. I want wacky monsters, salty vengeful killers, witches and romance and tragedy and action and slow, sleepy rural town takeovers.
I want demons and devils ONLY in stories where the good guys face unfathomable evil and still manage to come out on largely on top, even if worse for wear. I want stories that show courage, bravery, heroism, stories that teach and inspire as well as frighten. Give me your worst, but give it with feeling, and if you can't give me a happy ending, make sure you give me one that is meaningfully unhappy.
The horror I publish will not be about meaninglessly portraying suffering, exploitation of characters, shock for shock's sake, or disgusting imagery to arouse nausea. Horror should reflect our innermost workings - our fears, secrets, vices and addictions and struggles - and horror should ALWAYS come from the heart.
New market as well... I love the passion for horror here.
Editor Danny Hanker
No restrictions on genre
Open for submissions: now- September
Pay:8c a word. $200 max for non-members $400 for members
Word range: 10,000 max, 15,000 for members
Simultaneous submissions? yes
Reprints? yes, 1c a word
Good stories don’t just come in all shapes and sizes, but in all genres, too (fiction and nonfiction). Although some genres naturally lend themselves to certain feelings, by no means do we expect authors to follow preordained paths. We like stories that cross genres, experiment, and push the boundaries of literature while maintaining the utmost quality in literary technique and storytelling, which is why we're open to just about anything.
Submission Hints
WHAT WE'RE NOT LOOKING FOR: Excessive anything. Think PG-13, R if necessary. We're not attempting to salt the earth with more cultural dogma couched as mediocre fiction, or writers who are jockeying for the title of Most Woke. There’s enough of that out there already. You want to impress us? Write a good story. You want to get published? Write a great one.
My Insights
Danny Hanker reached out to me and asked if I could share this info with you folks! The stories he publishes are NEVER boring. ** One note, in my experience you sometimes DON'T receive rejection letters.
Managing Editor: Tacoma Tomilson
Flash Fiction Prompt
OPEN March 1 -14
Pay: 5 cents per word
Word range: under 1,000
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
Every month Apparition Lit holds a flash fiction contest and buys a story based on their prompt.
This year, flash is a celebration of all the recipes and meals that shape your worlds, your communities, and your lives. We want rich, unique flavors, vivid stories, and adventurous tastes.
March is Creative Crusts. Inspired by pies, pasties, pot pies, Shepard's pies...
Submission Hints
Send us stories with enough emotional heft to break a heart, with prose that’s as clear and delicious as broth. We love proactive characters and settings that feel lived in and real enough to touch. Stories with style, stories with emotion, stories with character.
What ceremonies are associated with tea in different cultures? Mexican Atole, etc...
My friend Akis Linardos finally sold something to this market! He writes some very dark, lyrical stuff. I've been trying consistently for six years. A few personals but no sales. Look for his piece,
The Sisterhood of the Black Pen
Open till March 30, 2024
Pay: $15 USD and will receive 4% of future royalties
Word range: 7,000-10,000
Simultaneous submissions? yes
Reprints? no
Female and Female identifying authors only--This INCLUDES trans women and non-binary/gender fluid.
Halloween themed horror story that takes place around a carnival. The Sisterhood of the Black Pen is back at it again! Submissions are open for our next spicy Halloween horror anthology! This time, a carnival is home to our nightmares.
-Majority of setting must take place in or around a carnival.
-Carnival must be Halloween themed, or story must take place on Halloween day, or a Halloween world, or any variation of these things.
-Must contain at least one spicy scene.
Submission Hints
Preference will be given to stories that do not lead into a larger piece (standalones or pieces with a satisfying ending).
All applicants will receive feedback from our readers on their concept and execution regardless of their acceptance into this anthology.
Have fun with it, get your spooky on, and we hope to welcome you into the sisterhood soon!
My Insights
That's a big word commitment, but this call sounds like fun.
Editor: Carol Hightshoe
Open till March 31, 2024
Pay: $15 plus royalites
Word range: 2500-7500
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? Query
At WolfSinger Publications, we love all kinds of creatures – especially DRAGONS.
Dragons love…well…their hoard. Be it a hoard of gold, gems, books, virgins, whatever your dragon loves to collect and hoard. Or maybe your dragon doesn’t have a hoard—well then WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOUR DRAGON? —All dragons have a hoard—don’t they? If he doesn’t—then explain why not.
We’re looking for stories about dragons—their hoard or lack thereof must factor into the story in some way.
Since dragons are primarily a creature of fantasy I’m sure we’ll get plenty of fantasy stories; but we’ll take science fiction as well as any other speculative fiction genre, but you MUST be creative. A creative twist on the idea of dragons and their hoards is the most important part of the story.
Submission Hints
Break the story-writing rules if you want. If you use a tried-and-true plotline, twist it in an original and interesting way.
My Insights
Editor: Andy Cull & Gabino Iglesias
Deadline - March 31, 2024
Pay: 3c word
Word range: 2000-4000
Simultaneous? Yes
Reprints? No
Not much info on this one, it comes from a twitter post!
Submission Hints
send your story to whatwasfoundtoo@gmail.com word or pdf only
I found a review of their last anthology here: https://thebookbeard.wordpress.com/2023/02/24/found-an-anthology-of-found-footage-horror-stories-edited-by-andrew-cull-gabino-iglesias/
Ink'd Pub
OPEN till March 31
Pay: $20 or anthology share
Word range: 2000-7000
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
anon subs
Inkd Publishing LLC presently focuses on anthologies. We are building a stock of enjoyable reads focused in the fantasy and sci-fi genres.
Submission Hints
Behind the Shadows II– This is horror. Humor and mystery beats are welcome.
Express yourself as the theme moves you.
There is no restriction as to how you incorporate the theme into your story as long as the genre falls within Speculative Fiction, including Sci-Fi or Fantasy. We encourage you to weave the theme into an engaging story with well-developed characters and deep emotion.
Stories that contain infanticide, rape, or gratuitous gore will not be accepted.
They've held a story of mine before, but I've yet to make a sale with this publisher.
Editor: Wendy Lesser
Closes April 15
Pay: $400
range: max 4000
Simultaneous submissions? NO
Reprints? No
"The Threepenny Review is as lively and original a literary magazine as exists in this country. Mercifully compact, uncompromisingly elegant, animated by the curiosity of its editor, it mixes the legendary and eminent with the unknown, which the eminent were when Wendy Lesser first published them. Not an issue goes by without some unexpected marvel." —Louise Glück
Submission Hints
--All online submissions must consist of a single document in Word format (.doc or .docx). If you are submitting prose, the document should consist of a single article or a single story. If you are submitting poetry, please group your poems into one document containing no more than five poems, because the online system will not accept more than a single document from each person. Please include your name and address somewhere on the document as well as in our submission form.
-- We do not print material that has previously been published elsewhere, and we emphatically do not consider simultaneous submissions. We do our best to offer a quick turnaround time, so please allow us the privilege of sole consideration during that relatively brief period; writers who do not honor this request will not be published in the magazine.
--Response time for submissions can range from two days to two months. Please do not submit more than a single story or article, or more than five poems, until you have heard back from us about your previous submission. If you have not heard from us within a couple of months, you should assume that either your communication or ours has gone astray.
6. We strongly recommend that you stay within our length limits. As a rule, critical articles should be about 1200 to 2500 words, Table Talk items 1000 words or less, stories and memoirs 4000 words or less, and poetry 100 lines or less. (Exceptions are occasionally possible, but longer pieces will have a much harder time getting accepted.) We prefer to read prose submissions that are double-spaced; poetry can be single-spaced or double-spaced.
My Insights
I would love to make $400 writing under 4000 words, right?
Editor Michael Kelly
Submissions: March 1- 16
Pay: 1.5c a word
Word range: 500-6000
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
We are a home for the strange, the macabre, the eerie, the esoteric, the fabulist, and the gothic. The darkly numinous. The odd. We are not interested in extreme horror. Do not send science fiction or fantasy.
Submission Hints
Only one sub per writer, per open period.
My Insights
new market
OPEN March 1 -7
3c a word
Word range: 7000 max
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
CHM is opening in March for fiction for a special tribute issue to Thomas Ligotti.
Ligottian weird fiction is deeply philosophical and especially pessimistic and nihilistic. His work tends towards the experimental, particularly metafiction, tinged with the theatrical absurd. Think bleak urban environments, people who are more like puppets (and vice versa), human disconnection, and grotesque spectacle.
Submission Hints
Editors fav stories: Charles’ Favorite Ligotti Story “Vastarien” Carson’s Favorite Ligotti Story “The Red Tower” Jolie’s Favorite Ligotti Story “The Lost Art of Twilight”
My Insight
Four rejections so far for me with this market.

Editor: DL Russell
OPEN till Aug 1st
$100 a story
Word range: 3000-12000
Simultaneous submissions?
Reprints? No
I found this post on Facebook. Look on the Open Call: Speculative Markets - Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy page. It is run by the wonderful Kevin David Anderson. (I can't WAIT to take his class at Superstars this year.) The publisher listed all the rules of this world.
Submission Hints
SUBMIT TO blackbookspublishing@gmail.com
My Insight
I spoke to the editor through his Facebook page, and he gave me very specific instructions on the plot of the story he wants to see from me. He asked me questions about my life and writing and then came up with this:
Prompt - a family has many of their horses stolen before realizing it was only a certain type.
The local authorities only do a basic investigation because the Zombie Apocalypse has given them an excuse to just sit around collecting paychecks.
Not until its over does the family begin to realize Zombies have been stealing the horses.
Note: 2 years prior, one of their hired hands was bitten by a zombie.
If you would like a prompt or have interest in participating in this project, you can contact him on Facebook.