Anthology: Playlist of the Damned
Editor: Jessica Laundry & Willow Dawn Becker
Open May 1-May 31
Pay: 5 cents per word (could be 8c if kickstarter goals met.)
Word range: 500-5000
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
The Pitch:
A hiker finds a grungy cassette tape in an abandoned mine that reads, DO NOT PLAY. When he does, he unleashes 25 tales of horror from the place where music and the macabre meet.
What We Want:
Bring us your Faustian deals with the Devil, your debauched rock stars, and demonic incantations. Music that soothes the beast or strangles with an invisible hand. These stories should be so integrally connected with music that the narrative can’t function without it.
Submission Hints
anonymous submissions
Specific songs can be used, but (unless you have rights to the lyrics or it is in public domain) only references and titles can be included. There is no restriction on genre, style, or time period. We are interested in short fiction, horror poetry, and flash fiction alike in science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
This call looks like SO much fun.
Editor: Eirik Gumeny
until June 30th
Pay: 3 cents per word
Word range: up to-10000, 2-6K sweet spot
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? yes
For Open All Night, I want horror and fantasy (and all and any assorted sub- and cross-genres) based around the theme of “open all night.” While not strictly necessary, I’ll definitely be looking for retail and service industry-based stories. Give me graveyard shifts, overnight inventories gone bad, and haunted diners, shit so sordid and spooky that even the most seasoned of waitresses can’t handle what’s happening.
No nonfiction here, but if you want to deviate from the above genres, a little or a lot, that’s cool with me. I’m never going to turn down Clerks set in the commissary of a spaceship.
Submission Hints
pulp, bizarro, and transgressive writing are all a-okay; anything that could be a right-wing talking point is emphatically not
Eirik is also looking for subs for his anthology Greater Than His Nature I’m looking for short stories based around the theme of “mad science.” Cackling Victorian scientists, giant atomic monsters, and Cronenbergian body horror are all fair game. I’m even open to the right piece of nonfiction for this one.
This looks like such a great new market. I contacted the editor, because I would love to send him something from my sci-fi space trucker world. This was Eirik Gumeny's answer to my question if he would take sci-fi: "I would love to see more humor! My first book series was sci-fi/comedy so I'm always looking for something that falls into that category. And thank you for promoting! I'm open to a lot of variation around the themes; I want to be surprised."
Editors: Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas
Open May 1 -7
Pay: 10 cents per word
Word range: 750-10000
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
Uncanny magazine specializes in stories that make you feel. Classifying itself as an on-line/eBook/podcast SF/F magazine, their cover art is breathtaking. It has won multiple Hugo Awards, a Parsec Award, and a British Fantasy Award. The two Editors-in-Chief; Lynne M. Thomas, and Michael Damian Thomas, have also won several Hugo Awards. It is a SFWA-qualified market. From the website: “Uncanny Magazine is an online Science Fiction and Fantasy magazine featuring passionate SF/F fiction and poetry, gorgeous prose, provocative nonfiction, and a deep investment in the diverse SF/F culture. Each issue contains intricate, experimental stories and poems with verve and imagination that elicit strong emotions and challenge beliefs, from writers of every conceivable background. Uncanny believes there’s still plenty of room in the genre for tales that make you feel.”
Submission Hints
Lynne M. Thomas (co-publisher & editor-in-chief) said in a reddit interview: “For me it's not necessarily about a kind of story, it's about how the kind of story is executed. I'm interested in stories that are inclusive of the gamut of the human experience, and I want to see a bit more whimsy.”
This is one of those career changing markets. I keep trying. I subbed in The Outlaw Genie, for the last call and it got an R. I am going to try my huge adventure, Love and Androids next.-- they are also looking for novellas May 1 -15
Publisher/Editor: John Joseph Adams
FANTASY: May 1 - May 7
Pay: 8 cents per word
Word range: 1,500-10,000
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? Yes, 2 cents a word
Lightspeed Magazine is the most well-known and critically acclaimed sister publication of Adamant Press; owned and operated by John Joesph Adams. From the website: “Lightspeed is a digital science fiction and fantasy magazine. In its pages, you will find science fiction: from near-future, sociological soft SF, to far-future, star-spanning hard SF—and fantasy: from epic fantasy, sword-and-sorcery, and contemporary urban tales, to magical realism, science-fantasy, and folktales.”
Submission Hints
Lightspeed is seeking original science fiction and fantasy stories. All types of science fiction and fantasy are welcome. No subject should be considered off-limits, and we encourage writers to take chances with their fiction and push the envelope. We do not accept simultaneous submissions or multiple submissions. You may submit one SF story and one Fantasy story at any given time; you must wait until seven days after our reply to submit another story in that genre.
I've always wanted the chance to submit to this magazine, but never see them open. They took science fiction stories last month. (I got a quick R) This month they are open for fantasy pieces.

like this list? get more 99c.
This was a sample of what you can find in The Guide of All Guides. Get if from your favorite ebook retailer, or order the paperback from Amazon. (I live with my copy.)
Managing Editor: Tacoma Tomilson
Short Story Call
OPEN MAY 15-30
Pay: 5 cents per word min $50
Word range: 1,000 - 5,000
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
Speculative fiction is weird, almost unclassifiable. It’s fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and literary. Send us your strange, misshapen stories with enough emotional heft to break a heart, with prose that’s as clear and delicious as broth. We love proactive characters and settings that feel lived in and real enough to touch. Stories with style, stories with emotion, stories with character. We want it all.
Submission Hints
Send us stories with enough emotional heft to break a heart, with prose that’s as clear and delicious as broth. We love proactive characters and settings that feel lived in and real enough to touch. Stories with style, stories with emotion, stories with character.
I've been hitting this market hard for six years. No luck yet! I have had a hold or two...
Editor: Rebecca Treasure
Theme: tba
Open: May 7- May 30
Pay: 8 cents per word
Word range: up to 1000
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
Apex Magazine focuses on dark and spectacular science fiction, fantasy and horror. Publishing bi-monthly, it used to be called Apex Digest and has been nominated for several awards. It went on hiatus for a while, but is back in business and accepting submissions.
Submission Hints
Apex Magazine is an online zine of fantastical fiction. We publish short stories filled with marrow and passion, works that are twisted, strange, and beautiful. Creations where secret places and dreams are put on display. We publish in two forms: an every-other-month eBook issue and a gradual release of an entire issue online over a two-month period. Along with the genre short fiction, there are interviews with authors and nonfiction essays about current issues. Additionally, we produce a monthly podcast of narrated original short fiction.”
I took a flash fiction class with Rebecca and it was outstanding. Learn more about the flash fiction editor at APEX.
I also roped the man who owns this fantastic dark magazine company into answering a few questions.
Managing Editor: Tacoma Tomilson
Flash Fiction Prompt
OPEN May 1 -14
Pay: 5 cents per word
Word range: under 1,000
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
Every month Apparition Lit holds a flash fiction contest and buys a story based on their prompt.
The overall theme for the year is REALITY SHOW MADNESS.
This month they are looking for stories in the vein of Great British Bake Off/Baking It/Cooking Shows
Submission Hints
Send us stories with enough emotional heft to break a heart, with prose that’s as clear and delicious as broth. We love proactive characters and settings that feel lived in and real enough to touch. Stories with style, stories with emotion, stories with character.
I keep trying every month. No luck. I do promote cheesy reality shows for a living. Let's see if my background will help me finally break into this market.
Last month, no personal rejection. Back to the form... but I did leave ABACUS out! (mistake?)
Editor: Justine Norton-Kerston
Open May 1-14
Pay: 8 cents per word
range: 1500-7500
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
Solarpunk Magazine publishes hopeful short stories and poetry that strive for a utopian ideal, that are set in futures where communities are optimistically struggling to solve or adapt to climate change, to create or maintain a world in which humanity, technology, and nature coexist in harmony rather than in conflict. We also publish solarpunk art as well as nonfiction that explores real world, contemporary topics and their intersection with the solarpunk movement for a better future.
Submission Hints
Our fiction editors are interested in works that stir readers with themes of defiance, change, and achievement. This effect isn’t likely to come via high concept utopias alone, but rather, from vibrant characters whose struggles affect the reader. Speculative elements should be apparent but not dominating; our disbelief suspended not by necessity, but immersion. Any genre of science fiction, interstitial fiction, magic realism, or fantasy has potential as a solarpunk forum—we welcome robots and elves with equal excitement.
They are also looking for stories for their themed issue Solarpunk Myths – What myths will be important to communities in solarpunk futures? What function and role will those myths play in people’s individual lives and in community life?
Please include #SolarpunkMyths in your submission cover letter
I interviewed the editor behind this ambitious magazine for WIHM on Horrortree.
Editor: Katerine Inskip
Open May 15 -30
Pay: 8 cents per word
Word range:6000 max
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
ANON subs
Stories that evoke a sense of wonder, have deep emotional resonance, and have something unreal about them. We aim for a 12-17 age range: that means sophisticated, non-condescending stories with wide appeal, and without gratuitous or explicit sex, violence or pervasive obscene language. Think Harry Potter or The Hunger Games.
Stories are presented in audio format, which means our audience rarely skim past boring bits. We’re looking for fiction with strong pacing, well-defined characters, engaging dialogue, and clear action. We like a proper narrative structure and a prose style not laden with clichés and over-worn idioms. We like fiction that makes us think, but the main elements should be thrilling entertainment, adventure and emotional connection.
We like all forms of fantasy — high, modern, urban, alternative history, etc. We’re less fond of the complex, intricate or cerebral forms of fantasy more common in novel markets; short stories rarely offer enough room to sufficiently develop.
We like all forms of science fiction — far-future, near future, space opera, “hard” sci-fi — but it must be accessible to our target audience, meaning a minimum of technical jargon.
Our horror offerings tend to be psychological, comedic, or situational — not visceral.
Submission Hints
Every year in September, Cast of Wonders celebrates Banned Books Week, an annual international event celebrating the freedom to read and raising awareness of the immense social value of free and open access to information.--- looks like the sub window will be the second half of May
For Banned Books Week 2023, send us your stories that show how books and stories serve as a beacon for identity, serving to draw peoples and communities together; books that make the statement: “This is who I am, this is who we are, and we will be heard!” (This phrase need not appear in the story but should be a resonant theme). The book should feature prominently in the story and not serve as a prop or McGuffin; however, we encourage creativity in interpreting what a book is and how it is woven into the story. We like to be surprised! We are especially interested in stories that feature joy and hope, even if the setting is intergalactic war or a zombie apocalypse.
This is a hard market to crack. Fingers crossed I nail it one day. I will have to write fresh for this call. I don't have a banned book story. They will be open to general subs in July 15-31
Escape Artist Podcasts
Open for submissions:Sept 15-May 31
Pay:8c a word
Word range: 1500-7500 sweet spot 2000-4000
Simultaneous submissions? NO
Reprints? yes
ANON submissions.
Escape Pod is a science fiction market. We are fairly flexible on what counts as science (superheroes! steampunk! space opera! time travel!) and are interested in exploring the range of the genre. We want stories that center science, technology, future projections, and/or alternate history, and how any or all of these things impact individuals and society.
Escape Pod leans in the direction of escapism, hopepunk and optimism rather than grimdark and gloom. We love to see funny stories, which can include dark humor that doesn’t punch down, and satire that isn’t painfully bleak. Remember that the failure mode of irony is sincerity, so if you’re mocking something, be sure you’re hitting the right target.
Submission Hints
We’re not interested in stories that contain sexual assault, rape, child abuse, animal cruelty, gore, or horror. We also do not want to see stories that treat the hardships of marginalized people or groups as thought experiments. While we may have published stories with that type of content in the past, they are not currently a good fit for Escape Pod. Our primary audience is adult listeners and readers. Strong language and sexual situations are fine, but we are not an erotica market.
My Insights
I've sent the a slew of my stories, as soon as I've gotten an R, I send another in. The window ends this month. (my current submission is probably one of my last chances.)
Lyndsey Croal- Editor
Open for submissions: April 27-May 11
Pay: 20 euros for 1000 words
Word range: 6000 max
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
ANON subs
We are looking for engaging science fiction, stories that give reality a tweak on the nose – an idea that makes us stop and think.
The stories we publish are both entertaining and challenging, exploring the world both as it is and as it could be.
We want to push the boundaries of the genre, while maintaining a link to its rich and global history. We publish everything from high-concept, “literary” SF to pulp-style adventure, sometimes all at once!
Submission Hints
The following are hard sells for us:
Stories with no discernible science fictional element (I love fantasy and other speculative genres, but this is a sci fi mag!)
Unchallenged bigotry (we love fiction that interrogates social issues, as long as it actually interrogates them)
Violent revenge fantasies, especially from the POV of a male character
Remember, we want stories that broaden our horizons and make us look beyond the Shoreline.
My Insights
French Press
Editors: Kayleigh Marie Edwards, Stephen Kozeniewski, and Wile E. Young
Open for submissions: till July 1st
Pay: 3 cents per word
Word range: 2500- 6000
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
Theme: A horror story about ghosts in a world where ghosts are a normal, everyday occurance
What if ghosts were real? What if they were a part of everyday life? What if they were, in fact, kind of banal? Could you still tell a horror story about them?
We like to think so. In fact, we wrote an entire novel about it. And now we’re inviting all of you to scare our pants off with your short stories set in the world of THE PERFECTLY FINE HOUSE.
Submission Hints
Stories must be reasonably classified as horror. Elements of other genres (i.e. dark fantasy, thriller, erotica, etc.) are fine, but explicit pornography and proselytizing religious tracts will not be accepted.–
All stories must take place in the world of THE PERFECTLY FINE HOUSE. This is an alternate reality where the following rules apply:
1. Ghosts are real.
2. Everything that dies, animal or human, leaves behind a ghost which persists eternally. Yes, that means a character could chill out with Julius Caesar and Jimi Hendrix if so desired.
3. Everyone can see ghosts and knows ghosts are real.
4. Only a total crackpot along the lines of a flat earth conspiracy theorist or anti-vaxxer in our own reality would deny the reality of an afterlife.
5. To not see ghosts would be considered a handicap akin to blindness, a lack of sixth sense.
6. Those are the basic, unbreakable rules for this anthology. But for more information on this world, you can read THE PERFECTLY FINE HOUSE.
My Insights
I have a character "Alma" a forensic scientist who talks to ghosts. Maybe this is an opportunity to expand her world?
Submission Window: May 1 -June 2
Theme: Love
Editor: Kate
Pay: $50
Simultaneous submissions? not sure
Multiple Submissions: hard No
Reprints? No
The theme for 2023 is "LOVE,” with romance preferred, but love between friends, family members, pets and their humans, etc., will be considered as well.
We are also very open to the stories and poems focusing on seasonal holidays, like solstice celebrations, Halloween, Hanukkah, etc. However, while holiday based stories and poems are very welcome, you still need to include the theme.
Stories must be PG in terms of content. A lot of young kids find our site, even though it’s not a kids publication. We have to bear that in mind. (See below.)
Content definitely does not have to feature the traditional white, princess and prince love story.
Remember, stories and poems must have the theme in them, even though it needn’t be a huge part of the story. Do bear in mind that all fairy tale related fiction and poetry needs an element of the supernatural—as well as transformation. Transformation is a huge deal for the 2023 publishing year.
The essence of classic fairy tales should be maintained when you write these stories and poems. Kate tends to prefer things to end happily, but it's not absolutely essential.
Submission Hints
Email your submission, but PASTE it in the body. No attachments
Absolutely none of the following for any submissions: Sci-fi, lengthy grossout descriptions of bodily functions or injuries, dystopian, descriptions of people’s bodies through the objectifying eyes of the protagonist, erotica, high fantasy, vampires, stage magic, excessive world building (a.k.a., info dumps), time-travel, extreme horror/gore, futuristic, space travel, western, love triangles and any form of romance that is not between humans or human-like creatures like fairies.
Also, The Fairy Tale Magazine is NOT a young children's publication. Period. We see this as a 15 years of age and older publication. Yes, we know young children will see our work, but it’s definitely for teenagers and older.
They've expanded their word counts. Excellent. - they don't send rejection letters.
Scissor Sisters-Sapphic Vilians
Editors: Rae Knowles & April Yates
open-May 1-31st
Pay: 8 cents per word
Word range: 1500-4000
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
Theme: We're reclaiming the predatory lesbian trope, think Mrs Danvers in Rebecca or Roxy in Basic Instinct, so we’re looking for stories of sapphic villains. Because we’re looking to reclaim this trope and not reinforce it, we don’t just want sapphic villains. Sapphic characters can also be heroes and anti-heroes. We’d like to see a diversity of queer identities in a multitude of roles.
We’d especially love to see stories of feminine rage, erotic horror, genderbent retellings and reclamations of power by queer femmes. We recommend reading this blog post:
Submission Hints
Must Haves:
Diverse LGBTQ+ representation
Time period: anytime in the past or present
Location: anywhere on Earth
They held my last story "Zelda's Taboo Dust-Crossed Lovers" for their Seers & Sibyls call, but I got a kind rejection letter saying it was just a little off theme. 😭. Nice letter though.
Editor: Jacob Steven Mohr
April 1-June 1
Pay: 1 cents per word
Word range: 2500 -7000
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
From Jacob Steven Mohr and Crystal Lake Publishing comes Dead Letters: Episodes of Epistolary Horror, a new anthology set to debut (tentatively) February of 2024.
As the name betrays, we’re looking for short horror stories written in epistolary format—meaning, stories written as letters, journal entries, transcripts of radio broadcasts, newspaper clippings, text messages, etc.
Submission Hints
Each story should include some mention of how its manuscript was “discovered.” A letter found in a historian’s archive, for example. Or emails saved as part of a missing persons investigation. Or an audio file recovered from a dead podcaster’s PC. Push boundaries and play with the format—and above all, be scary!
Some comparable titles: Dracula, Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke, Carrie, House of Leaves, and World War Z.
Ai Jiang will have a story in here. I do like the folks at Crystal Lake.
Contact: All submissions should be sent to deadlettershorror@gmail.com (Word files only, please do not paste your story in the body of the email). Please make your subject line: SUBMISSION – “Story Title” – Author Name – Word Count.
Responses: We aim to finalize the table of contents by August 1 of 2023.
Third Flatiron
Editor: Juliana Rew
May 19-June 1
Pay: 8 cents per word
Word range: 1500-3000 max
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
Submission Hints
I've sold two stories to Third Flatiron, and both ended up on the Tangent On-line Recommended Reads List. This is an amazing market. You can learn more about Juliana Rew from my interview here:
Through the Portal: Stories from a Hopeful Dystopia
Editors: Lynn Hutchinson Lee and Nina Munteanu
closes May 31st
Pay: 5 cents cdn per word
Word range: 3,500 max
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
International writers welcome but 90% will be Can authors
“Historically pandemics have forced humans to break with their past and imagine a world anew. This one is no different. It’s a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. We can choose to walk through it dragging the carcasses of our prejudices, our hatred, our avarice, our data banks and dead ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies. Or we can walk through it lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it.”– Arundhati Roy
Inspired by Arundhati Roy’s vision, we’re looking for eco-fiction stories that celebrate the complexity of relationships and the emotional and physical journey from catastrophe.
Submission Hints
Send us your eco-fiction stories or prose poems––literary, magical, speculative, solarpunk, supernatural, slipstream, reimagined folk/fairy tales. We want eco-fiction that envisions imaginaries and relationships in a new or changing world. How do we walk through the portal to the other side? How will we address or overcome the legacy of the past: the negative actors and social constructs, environmental devastation, racism, exploitation, pathologies?
New market for me.
Editor: Chris Vannes & Anne Johnston
Closes May 31
Pay: depends on Kickstarter. nominal to 8c a word
Word range: up to 10,000
Simultaneous submissions? yes
Reprints? yes
Sometimes the greatest stories, the truest stories, are the ones that nobody hears. Tales that would shock or delight or horrify you, if only you knew how things really were. Truths that have lain undiscovered beneath the surface, behind the mask, beyond the history books, or just around the corner . . . until now.
Story genres will cover a wide range, including literary fiction, speculative, horror, and alt-history – each one incorporating an element of “hidden truths” or an alternate take on something that everyone thinks they already know.
Submission Hints
Stories may be from any genre so long as they incorporate an element of hidden truths or an alternate take on something that everyone thinks they know. Literary fiction, speculative, horror, historical and alt-history, creative nonfiction, etc. are all welcome.
Authors may submit up to three pieces for consideration across two categories: short fiction (up to 10,000 words) or flash fiction (up to 1,000 words). No more than two short fiction stories may be submitted per author.
Fellow Wulf Packer Pete Lead found this call for us. Thank you! You can check out the Kickstarter for this here.
Editor: Rebecca Bennett
Open May 1 -30
Pay: 8c cents per word
Word range: 1000-35000
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
primarily Canadian Magazine
Heartlines Spec is a speculative magazine focused on long-term friendships and relationships. It's the comfort of the known, the fierce hug of someone that knows you best.
Submission Hints
We're looking for short fiction and poetry focused on long-term relationships: platonic, romantic, or familial. We don't want the blaze of new love or the obsession of a new friend. We want pieces that show that comfort that develops when people know each other for years.
Give us deep space, dusty frontiers, or dreamy fantasy. We want stories and poetry with strong, confident relationships amid all the sci-fi/fantasy. While we are primarily looking for stories with happy endings (yeah, yeah), we also want endings that are earned. If things get a little teary or gory, that's ok.
We are especially interested in stories featuring queer platonic relationships, ace/aro love stories, and polycules.
If you find the working of their call like Augur's - it is because they consulted with them. It is a different magazine.
Opening on APRIL 26TH at 9am UTC (which is 4am Eastern)
Editor-in-chief: Vanessa Rose Phin
Pay: 10 cents per word
Word range: up to 5,000 (will consider higher)
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? No
Strange Horizons defines itself as a weekly magazine of and about speculative fiction. Launched in September 2000, it is a SWFA-qualifying market. The staff volunteering on this magazine come from all over the world including Sri Lanka, India, Brazil, Canada, China, and the USA. From the website: “We publish fiction, poetry, reviews, essays, interviews, roundtable discussions, and art. Our definition of speculative fiction includes science fiction, fantasy, horror, slipstream, and all other flavors of fantastika.
Submission Hints
They specify what kind of fiction they are looking for: • Fiction from or about diverse perspectives and traditionally under-represented groups, settings, and cultures, written from a non-exoticizing and well-researched position. • Unusual yet readable styles and inventive structures and narratives. • Stories that address political issues in complex and nuanced ways, resisting oversimplification. • Hypertext fiction, interactive fiction, and other stories that explore and exploit the forms available to us. If you have a work of this type that you think might be a good fit for Strange Horizons, please query us to discuss how to submit it.”
When they reach 1000 subs they will close.
OPEN March 1st - Sept 1st
Editor: Joshua Fagan & Ai Jiang
8c a word
Word range: max 1200
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
Orion’s Belt is a literary speculative-fiction online magazine. We specialize in the strange and poignant and awe-inspiring, stories that have a cosmic scale and intimate personal stakes. Currently, we publish fiction only, one story per month. All stories must be 1200 words or less.
Speculative fiction for us encompasses a wide range of fiction that includes non-realist elements. While we focus on science-fiction and fantasy, we’re open to slipstream, horror, magic realism, myth retellings, surrealism, superhero stories, and all other fantastical genres and subgenres.
The “literary” qualifier simply means we like stories focusing on internal and interpersonal conflicts. Don’t give us people saving the world unless you can make us care about the people doing the saving. It also means we want stories that are sharply, intelligently written. We highly prize the craft of writing. This doesn’t mean you have to be Faulkner or Shakespeare, and it certainly doesn’t mean we want stories peppered with purple prose and thesaurus-words. It does mean that we care as much about form as we do about content. How a story is told is as important to us as what it is about.
Speculative fiction gives us the opportunity to imagine other worlds, but we can also use it to help us better understand our own little blue marble floating through the depths of space.
We follow in the tradition of science-fiction pioneer Darko Suvin and his concept of “cognitive estrangement,” in which the strangeness of different worlds provides readers with a lens through which to observe the strangeness in our own worlds. This is more than mere allegory. It’s an awakening to a higher level of awareness. In our view, the best speculative fiction does more than offer escapism. It facilitates a better understanding of the self and the other.
Submission Hints
All stories must contain significant speculative elements. This does not mean all sci-fi stories must have lasers and rockets. It just means a non-speculative story doesn’t become speculative if you include a single line clarifying the story takes place on Mars.
My Insight
Ai Jiang (recent Nebula finalist) is an editor here... learn more about her in my exclusive interview. Also, check Horrortree.com on March 31st for a new interview about Jiang's recent Nebula finalist placing!
Editor: JW Stebner
Deadline: May 1 - 7
Pay: 1c a word
Word range: 10,000max
Simultaneous submissions? No
Reprints? NO
Hexagon is an online magazine created to take readers to fantastic worlds and to meet incredible characters. We specialize in the weird, the wondrous, and the whimsical!
We are looking for speculative fiction pieces that take us on journeys to other worlds or other times, where elements of the fantastic, absurd, horrifying, or humorous might exist. We are drawn to stories that explore distant futures, ancient civilizations, and everything in between. Experimental fiction is welcomed, as long as there are elements of the wondrous, the weird, or the whimsical.
Submission Hints
-We currently publish only speculative fiction. This includes science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, cyberpunk, sword and sorcery, magical realism, paranormal horror, dystopian epics, eldritch horror, superhero, space opera, afrofuturism, weird west, etc.
-Deeper than genre, we are looking for pieces with engaging characters, fresh conflicts, and exciting narratives, not just concept pieces. We recommend that you read some of our published work before submitting.
My Insights
I saw that Ai Jiang had a story published here. If it's good enough for Ai... https://hexagonmagazine.ca/issue-10-fall-2022/
Haunted- Things That Keep You Up At Night
Fiction or Non-fiction
Deadline: May 26th
Pay:10c a word - max $250
Word range: 5000 max
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? NO
This fall, Prairie Fire is taking a deep dive into what haunts us. What keeps you up at night? Is it thoughts of regret about what you did or didn’t do, said or didn’t say, the risks you didn’t take? Or, maybe the pain of the past comes to visit, specters of history we’ve inherited through family or societal trauma? What do these hauntings teach us, and how do we cope with them? Can we finally put the old ghosts to bed, or have we learned to live with them?
Submission Hints
Not all hauntings are unwelcome. Sometimes an idea or dream, repeatedly whispered in our ears at night, can lead us to take personal action, give rise to radical change, create new movement in our lives, or inspire acts of great artistic expression. Sometimes, ghosts can be helpful. Whatever way you’re haunted, we want to hear about it!
My Insights
They won't be sending rejections, if you don't hear from them by end of June, consider yourself an R

an Iguana, A hot magical man, & a Spooky carnival.
Plus an interview with Brandon Case! His true life story is just as fantastic as this fictional one.
Climate Issue
Deadline: June 1
Editor Viva Padilla
Word range: 3000 max
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? No
We accept poetry and prose and aim to publish the best of each genre. We look for subversive and bold voices; thought-provoking pieces that seek to illuminate a truth for the reader. We are proud to publish never before published, emerging, and established writers and poets. We enjoy reading and printing both English and Spanish language pieces. We publish once a year.
Submission Hints
We do not accept work that sustains the traditional white literary Western canon that has continuously ignored and poised itself as an authority over the voices of the oppressed. We do not give a voice to stories from the perspectives of cisgender, heterosexual, white, upper-class males that continue this tradition. We also do not give a voice to feminist works that only consider white female perspectives.
My Insights
General Call
Deadline: Open May, cap at 750 subs
Editor: Jess Sumalpong
Word range: 8000 max or 3 flash (1000 max)
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? Yes
Nashville Review seeks to publish the best work we can get our hands on, period. From expansive to minimalist, narrative to lyric, epiphanic to subtle: if it’s a moving work of art, we want it. We hope to provide a venue for both distinguished and emerging artists. Most importantly, thank you for giving us a chance to read your work. We appreciate it.
Submission Hints
Nashville Review was founded with two guiding principles: that our venue would be inclusive of all forms of storytelling, and that it would be both free and available online to anyone who wished to enjoy it. We publish three issues annually in April, August, and December.
My Insights
Untitled Crime Anthology
Deadline: May 15th
Editor: Eddie Generous
Pay:1c a word
Word range: 1500-8000 max
Simultaneous submissions? Yes
Reprints? Yes
Sex, gore and violence are welcome in mIn the near future, Unnerving will be dipping its claws into CRIME fiction, and to launch into this avenue, I’m compiling an anthology. Meaning, I need stories. Short ones: 1,500-8,000 words, preference being 2,500-4,000 words in length.
Submission Hints
I want gritty stories. Think Jim Thompson, James M. Cain, Sara Gran, Jo Nesbo. I also like humorous stuff with a dark edge. Think Donald Westlake, Adam Howe, Brian Evenson. I like twists. I like oddity. I like violence. Now, for what I don’t want: no police procedurals, no copaganda, nothing supernatural, no rape revenge stories, nothing pro-religion, and nothing cozy or soft.
My Insights
I had some correspondence with Eddie Generous when I first started sending out short stories in 2019. (I was so green I didn't even know enough not to reply to rejections.) He was "generous" enough to help guide me. "I suggest bouncing around https://queryshark.blogspot.com/ to consider the dos and don'ts. "
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My list of the best thrillers on the market. With a bit of my own observations. No spoilers! I promise…